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World Cultures – Unity in Diversity

International Conference and Exhibition on World Cultures
17 – 19 March 2023
Kuala Lumpur

Culture as a tourism asset

What ICWC hopes to achieve

The international conference and exhibition on world cultures hopes to bring back the importance and uniqueness of every culture that exist in this world.
It is pertinent for world community to come together through ICWC, to present proudly their unique and valuable culture including festivals and events that shape their way of life. and present its opportunities to the younger generations.
ICWC also aims at promoting the various cultures of the world as a tourism asset to the countries that preserve and promote their unique cultures.
By creating an international platform for world cultures, it is hoped that culture will be exposed both intellectually and commercially not only to the intrigues but also to the younger generation that tends to forget them as they encompass themselves with new digital culture.

Join the Conference

Whether you are looking for speaking arrangement or wanting to participate as an attendee, reach out to our team!
Exhibit at ICWC

Get your cultural events and festivals known! It is definitely worthwhile to exhibit at the upcoming ICWC!
Be a Sponsor

Do not miss the chance to advertise and promote your cultural events or even your country. Let us welcome you as a sponsor!